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[Healeys] Power band of two different motors, or is it the rear end?

Subject: [Healeys] Power band of two different motors, or is it the rear end?
From: healeyguy at bredband.net (Per Schoerner)
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 16:49:37 +0200
References: <E9213AA68F2D4C399F8F9E7B45CF3549@JerryPC> <ECAD87C3-47EC-44EF-A45B-CCBB49C9C298@cox.net> <CACPMnYpR-AUHqpZeA21fB+qzQs87C6CXRQUQGxsAEz84-9o+Wg@mail.gmail.com> <4E1774DF.9000305@bredband.net> <CACPMnYpS1HOEvuGBaSb3F2KH_CvNsrZPkg7wwN_ifh-zS4jmrQ@mail.gmail.com> <4E18DAD1.2070506@bredband.net> <000501cc3ea2$6f4cf400$4de6dc00$@net>
Because we didn't know, we do know. Much appretiated.


Rich Chrysler skrev 2011-07-10 03:41:
> On top of that, and nobody's mentioned this at all; the overdrive ratio on
> the 100/Six was 28% while on the 3000 was 22%.
> Rich
> -----Original Message-----
> From: healeys-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:healeys-bounces at 
> autox.team.net]
> On Behalf Of Per Schoerner
> Sent: 2011-07-09 6:49
> To: I Erbs
> Cc: healeys at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Power band of two different motors, or is it the rear
> end?
> Ira
> 100/six without overdrive was 3.909:1, with overdrive was 4.1:1.
> 3000 without overdrive was 3.545:1, with overdrive was 3.909:1.
> Per

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