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[Healeys] brake pipe threaded ends

Subject: [Healeys] brake pipe threaded ends
From: ah3000me at gmail.com (Tom)
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:45:58 -0400
References: <BANLkTi=N8v0iAsg1cjKJBTJYBiX4-FFPgA@mail.gmail.com>
Thanks to Tom, Ira, Bob, David, John, Grego..   The line was frozen to the
nut in the caliper, and I finally had to sacrifice the curly brake line to
unscrew the fitting.

Although the local parts stores didn't have a brake line with our fittings,
  I borrowed a flare tool from the parts store, reused my old fittings, and
replaced the double flare with a bubble flare on the caliper side of the

Thanks for all your advice.

- Tom

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Tom <ah3000me at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm removing my late BJ8's front calipers, and the nut and brake line into
> the caliper are stuck.   The nut's threads in the caliper are OK, but the
> nut and brake line seem frozen.
> Any ideas on getting this unstuck.    If I end up twisting the nut off the
> brake line,  can I run to Napa and get a short piece of brake line and bend
> to fit?   Or are the threads a vintage British size?
> thanks,
> Tom

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