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[Healeys] Healeys] Start-up, oil filters, and rebuilt engines

Subject: [Healeys] Healeys] Start-up, oil filters, and rebuilt engines
From: mandmschneider at comcast.net (Schneider Mark)
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 06:49:35 -0700
References: <mailman.2625.1306242022.12225.healeys@autox.team.net>

Regarding the topic of the initial running of rebuilt engines the point was
made that some over-the-counter oil companies have begun to add ZDDP back to
their 10-40 and 20-50 weight oils. Which companies are they?  If I can
purchase oil with an adequate amount of ZDDP already in it I can stop adding
it on my own.

Marks 3

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