Some ideas:
-Sell part that have even the slightest chance of restoration on ebay or
craigslist. Give the listers a first chance for good Healey Karma. The wife
will appreciate the reduction of clutter and you can tell you bought that new
shiny part with the money you made on the old stuff. Works well for me! For
instance I am looking for a fuel tank sender for parts. If your leaky fuel
tank still has the sender I'll make you an offer.
-Use parts to decorate you garage shop or dedicate a small part of a shelf to
store bend valves, burnt pistons, broken rotors to appease the Healey gods.
These are also usually good conversation starters if you put those on your desk
at work. (not the gas tank though!)
-Have new parts delivered to your work address. My wife still catches me when
I try to sneak them in the garage but she's OK with it. Of course I tell her I
bought it with proceeds from selling parts on feebay and she just smiles.
Suggested annual donation $12.75