You may have noticed I have been off-List for the last few months.
(Please hold the applause!) I have been trying to resurrect my two
computers that were taken down by viruses. The first I deserve because I
USED to occasionally visit "those" places. But my main computer had to
be reformatted and I lost everything having to do with the Internet:
Bookmarks, 2000+ e-mails with attached files & photos and my address
books. I will never be able to replace all of it.
I sing my tale of woe to you because the damn virus came through
Facebook. In fact I have since found it was given to me by a friend.
Yes, I have a good, not free AV program. This one sucked me in with a
"click here" in Facebook!
When I unsubscribed to the Healey List, Facebook was still raging like
wildfire with everyone who had a Healey "wanting to be my friend". YMMV
but I would stay as far away from it as possible! Have you noticed you
cannot delete it, only disable it?
Back to going through the Healey Archives for lost info.
Bill Barnett
'53 Red Car
'61 Green Car
Suggested annual donation $12.75