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[Healeys] Healey bj8 speedo reading not accurate

To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: [Healeys] Healey bj8 speedo reading not accurate
From: Frederich Ficke <jagwarman@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 20:40:23 -0400
Hello everyone, I was reading about all these speedo issues and have one of
my own . I have a 65 BJ8 . My speedo is original never been messed with. I
run 165 15 in tires . But my problem when the speedo is cold it register 10
mph fast but once it is used for about 10 miles it starts reading correctly
for a little while then it starts to read 10 mph slower than it should .
Anyon have any ideas on that one. cable and angle drive has been lubed but
there has been no change in operation. Thanks for your thoughts
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