Make sure all petrol vapour is removed by rinsing the tank with hot
water and washing up liquid and afterwards with clean cold water.
Before you use any product, clean out any rust inside the tank. Best
have it done chemically in an accid bath (I think they use a mixture of
Sulphur acid and Phosfor accid) or alternatively do it yourself
mechanically by inserting sharp sand, fine-medium fine gravel and water
and shake in various positions using e.g. a cement mixer for a few
hours. Then rinse out thoroughly, blow dry hot for several hours, buy
your wife a new hair dryer.
If some welding or brazing is neccesary, do it now and clean again using
some gravel and sand and perhaps another hair dryer.
After all the prep work you can apply the POR-15 or similar.
Kees Oudesluijs
Alan Seigrist wrote:
> All -
> This is for my Atlantic which has a petrol tank that is best repaired rather
> than somehow fabricated and replaced.
> My tank is in good shape, but the inside is prone to rust. I am thinking
> that I should use a proper repair kit on it.
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