You will need some decent floor joists for such a large span. I would
suggest pine joists not less than 3" x 11" at 20" spacing or less. This
will be a safe and stable floor. Forget the idea of light storage, that
will not happen in the end, believe me. Use 3/4" underlayment ply for
the deck, cheap and strong.
Kees Oudesluijs
NL schreef:
> I am doing preliminary design of a garage and have a question for the
> smart guys here:
> The building will be of frame construction and will be 25' wide. I would
> like to put a loft with a plywood deck over a portion of the main floor--the
> dimensions of the loft being 25' square. The loft would be used for light
> storage with weight being exclusively on the sides and no appreciable
> weight in the center. I could tolerate some floor bounce if need be.
> Here's the question: What size floor joists or fabricated wood trusses
> would I need to adequately support the loft without any columns to the
> floor below--in other words using a free span--and on what centers would
> they need to be?
> I have read from one site that 16" floor trusses on 24" centers will span
> 27-1/2'. Any input appreciated.
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