I shot two of them out of my XJ6 tailpipes several winters ago. They bounced
off the wall, but never lived to tell anyone about it.
---- robertduquette@sympatico.ca wrote:
It would be something to see ... coming out of someone else's car.
I wonder what happens if they don't come out ...
> Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 21:39:35 -0500
> I heard a story about one that got shot out of the tailpipe, bounced
> off the back wall, and ran like heck afterwards... It's supposed
> to be true.
> - Tom
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:21 PM, <robertduquette@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> > Another thing that has been recommended to me is to put steel wool in the
> > exhaust pipe to prevent rodents from going in and making nests. Can they
> > really get in there? I've never seen a mouse with a little ladder! :)
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