Doesn't matter. According to the article, they were not ranked. Healey was the
38th photo not that it was ranked number 38.
John Sims, BN6
Aberdeen, NJ
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Felts []
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:22 PM
To: John Sims;
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Coolest Cars
Neat! What was #1?
---- John Sims <> wrote:
Haven't seen this posted before but sitting in my Doctors office I picked up
a copy of Motor Trend September 09 issue and they had a very nice spread on
the 60 coolest cars of the past 60 years. They listed them in no particular
order (according to the blurb at the front of the article). The Austin
Healey 100 and 3000 were listed as number 38 but, as the article said, they
could have been number 1 or 60. The description of the Healeys was as
"Why tweed caps, stringback gloves and mistresses were invented."
That about says it all!
John Sims, BN6
Aberdeen, NJ
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