Many thanks, again, to all who answered this query.
They are working again.
The fact that there was no power at the top fuse was a bit of a giveaway,
but I don't always trust my first impressions.
I did have one flash of inspiration however and that was to bridge the two
fuses together and then try the horns. When they worked, as they did, I
could reckon on the wiring to and from the horns/button being OK and that
the problem had to be in getting power to the fuse (and thence to the
horns). It was Bob Haskell who listed the sections of the power feed to the
horns and who actually used the words " to the 'A' post on the voltage
regulator". And that was where the problem lay. The brown wire was not
connected. Don't ask! Poltergeist or Gremlins, maybe leprechauns in my case.
Anyhow, there it was, bold as brass, disconnected! And now it all works.
Thanks again.
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