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Re: [Healeys] 100blown gasket?

To: Healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] 100blown gasket?
From: Bob <robertlarson@att.net>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 15:38:02 -0500
As Michael points out PLUS, make sure you have the correct wrenches of 
you will be replacing
all the ones that got rounded off.



Michael Salter wrote:

>Kees advice is, I'm sure, born of experience and an absolute must.
>One thing to be aware of, in case you are not, is that all the fasteners in
>the BN1/2 engine are BSF or BSW threads so take particular care of those
>nuts and bolts..they are not available at Home Depot!!!
>Michael Salter
>100 (1953) #174
>AHX12 (1953)
>Bugeye (1961)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: healeys-bounces@autox.team.net [mailto:healeys-bounces@autox.team.net]
>On Behalf Of kaynmike.bham@juno.com
>Sent: February 28, 2009 2:51 PM
>To: healeys@autox.team.net
>Subject: [Healeys] 100blown gasket?
>I can't put it off a minute longer. (Sun's coming out) must remove the head
>and look. How much must I remove to get the head off? Just the manifold
>water lines and....? Is there an order to all this? (What? The cabinet maker
>is going to take the head off ? Is he completely crazy?
>Mike Gougeon 56BN2
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