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Re: [Healeys] Mystery....part 3

To: "'Richard Ewald'" <richard.ewald@gmail.com>, "'Alan Seigrist'"
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Mystery....part 3
From: "Skip Saunders" <tfsbj7@mindspring.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 09:10:43 -0500
Yes, indeed.   But on a Healey, the first thing to suspect is spark.
(Since, complete failure is most like a single point cause, and ignition
(spark) issues can usually be pointed to failure of a single component.)..


One other item needs to be on that list:   You not only need "air" you also
need "compression" to make that air/fuel mixture appropriate for burning
inside an engine cylinder.    (that is why I checked compression).


The item that turned out to be missing was "fuel"..but the reason for the
failure of fuel to get into the cylinders was interesting..






From: Richard Ewald [mailto:richard.ewald@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 1:21 AM
To: Alan Seigrist
Cc: Skip Saunders; Healey List
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Mystery....part 3


The answer lies in:
At the right place
At the right time
in the correct amount.

(And a tip of the hat to Dick O'Kane who wrote that in the book "How to
Repair Your Foreign Car, a Guide for Your Wife, the Beginner, and the
Mechanically Inept.")
Over the years I have fixed many a car by repeating the above to myself, and
asking what is not there.
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