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[Healeys] dash question for a BJ7

To: <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] dash question for a BJ7
From: "Randy Dickson" <rdickson@midwestarchaeology.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 14:59:26 -0500
Fellow Healeyoids,

I just recovered my  dash in some material that I got from Heritage.  I have
a question about the fuzzy fascia trim that goes along the bottom edge.
Does it extent all of the way up the sides of the dash to the top?  It
doesn't look quite right as I have it all of the way up the sides and the
curved sheet metal, dash brackets at each end don't form around the dash
ends very well.  Should I nip the ends of the fascia trim to so that the
edges of these sheet metal dash brackets are flush with the fascia trim or
what?  Thanks!




63 BJ7
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