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Re: [Healeys] On the Road to Conclave (Day 4) - Part 2

To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] On the Road to Conclave (Day 4) - Part 2
From: Carlos Cruz <healey3000bn7@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:34:32 -0700 (PDT)
There are two tarantulas sitting road-side in the American southwest waiting 
for a red Healey from Maryland to drive by.  
  The first tarantula says to the second, "There are three humans in a red 
Healey.  One is Ted Kozinski, one is Osma Bin Laden and one is a lawyer.  You 
have enough venom to bite and kill three times before you die.  What do you do?"
  The second tarantula doesn't even think and quickly responsds, "that's easy.  
Bite the lawyer three times".
  Insert rim shot here...
  PS:  No insects were harmed in telling of this tarantula tale...

"E.A. Driver" <edriver@sasktel.net> wrote:
  Michael, old friend, read the "sentence" again - nowhere is the word 
insect used, nor
is it implied.
Kind regards

Awgertoo@aol.com wrote:
> Ed--
> I said that they JUMP--everyone knows that spiders are not insects and 
> cannot fly!
> Best--Michael
> ---------------------------------------------
> In a message dated 6/26/2008 12:09:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
> edriver@sasktel.net writes:
> Now I'm really concern about Michael comment on the flying
> tarantulas -
> a quick review of Pettingill's
> "A guide to bird finding west of the Mississippi" and several notable
> books on Arachnida reveal nothing. 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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