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Re: [Healeys] Convert to neg gnd question

To: tomfelts@windstream.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Convert to neg gnd question
From: <bighealey@charter.net>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 14:31:01 -0700

OK I figured it out, you are not a member of AHCUSA that's why you could see 
the technical archives.  Go to the home page click join now.  We have hundreds 
and hundreds of these types of articles on the site and am adding them at a 
steady rate of one to two a day.  The hitch is membership is required to see 
the real juicy stuff.  This is one of the best benefits of membership.

I set this particular article to PUBLIC access so you can now get at it.  Call 
it a sample.


Sorry for the click fest.  I hope to see you join.  Blatent 

Warm Regards,


---- tomfelts@windstream.net wrote: 
> Thanks Tracy----the article wasn't on this page and I entered a search but 
>couldn't find it.  Could you get a specific link for the page it is on?
> Thanks again
> tom 
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