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Re: [Healeys] Stop me before I &nbsp again!

To: <Healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Stop me before I &nbsp again!
From: "Ed's Shop" <shop@justbrits.com>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 19:43:33 -0600

<<My browser is Firefox, connecting to the list through Yahoo Mail. Only 
happens when I post to this list.>>

At precisely 6:59PM CDT yesterday I sent the following:

While Al's comments are pretty much true...............
<<What is a &nbsp? or is Yahoo following AOL's lead.>>
The answer to Quentin's question above is YES.  Yahoo is also out side of the 
RFC Rules which are "supposed" to be the governing rules.
Gmail IS third.

BECAUSE MailMan (the List software program) CONFORMS (and the gents work VERY 
HARD at doing so) to the RFC Rules, your problem, just like the other users of 
above cited 
"free email offerings" HAVE a problem which has NOTHING to do with Mark's setup.

The only "free email service" I know of is MSN.  There may be others (but I 
doubt it<G>).

Does the ISP Service you use (Comcast, ATT, Galaxyinternet, SBCglobal, etc.) 
offer you the use of "Mailbox(s)"??  USE one.

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