While you have the puller on the arm, under tension, put some hear on the arm.
Use an oxy-acetalene torch - not a little propane torch. Stand back. Richard
> Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 04:51:08 -0700> From: jjkbj7@yahoo.com> To:
healeys@autox.team.net> Subject: [Healeys] Steering Arm Removal> > I need some
guidance on the removal of the steering arm from the> steering box on my BJ7.
I am attempting to replace the seal.> > I removed the large nut and washer and
soaked the joint with PB> Blaster for over a week. I attached a puller and
tightened the puller> down to the point of almost deforming the puller and the
arm has not> budged. I did not remove the steering side rods from the other
end of> the steering arm. Do these need to come off to remove the arm from
the> steering box splined shaft? Any other suggestions? Thanks.>
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