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Re: [Healeys] Rubber Food

To: "Mark and Kathy" <mgtrcars@galaxyinternet.net>,
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Rubber Food
From: "Alan Seigrist" <healey.nut@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 20:24:32 +0800
Have you tried tire silicone?

On 4/29/08, Mark and Kathy <mgtrcars@galaxyinternet.net> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a product that can be applied to rubber products,
> or seals on our cars that will keep them from drying out or yellowing.
> I tried Armourall in the past and Sun of A Gun but it didn't seem to work or
> last very long.  I have shied away from these products in the last 5 years
> so I am wondering if they have improved or if there is something better now.
> Its really frustrating when you take the time to replace the "windshield
> post pads" or "windshield to body seal" only to se them start to crack and
> dry
> up a few years down the road.
> Thanks,   Mark
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