Hi Jim. I really enjoy your Healey posts and respect you as a fellow Healey
person. Just my 2 cents, but this kind of post is one easy way to lose
friends. I can read these posts all day on USA Today blogs.
> From: "James Lea" <clocks@midcoast.com>
> Date: 2008/03/20 Thu PM 11:33:22 EDT
> To: <MBran89793@aol.com>, <WABORJA@aol.com>, <healeys@autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Friday Funnies
> Dear worried in NY.
> I am a seventy one year old man who can't understand why some people still
> think a stupid mistake made many years ago by a person who is after all a
> huMAN with all the faults and foibles that most of us have is funny, while
> those presently in charge of our destiny seem to think it is perfectly
> alright to lie to us about just about everything in order to make their
> friends wealthy from the profits of the first preemptive war this country
> has ever fought. A war that has cost us a trillion dollars, the respect of
> most of the world and four thousand lives of our finest young men and women.
> They are both liars but when Clinton lied, nobody died.
> Signed,
> Incredulous in Maine
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