Alan, I'm not referring to 40 years ago. I have a list of 271 BJ8s in
Germany now, most of them imported from the States since the early '90s
(because I have U.S. history for a large part of them). One would think
that out of that many cars, there would be more than one in the capital and
largest city, nicht wahr?
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Seigrist []
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Healeys in Berlin
Steve -
That's not a suprise. Berlin was a virtual island for a good 40+
years during the time healeys were being made - it would have been too
expensive/complicated to get non standard cars to the city, plus most
of them bought in Germany were probably first bought by US military
personel in West Germany then sold used to the local population.
On 10/11/07, <> wrote:
> Hi, Richard -
> I don't know about 100-4s, but you might try connecting with the German
A-H Club to see if they can hook you up with 100-4 owners:, or maybe one of our German listers can do the honors.
> An interesting thing: I have 271 BJ8s listed in the BJ8 registry from
Germany, but only one of those is in Berlin. Whoulda thunk it?
> Have a great trip!
> Steve Byers
> HBJ8L/36666
> BJ8 Registry
> Havelock, NC USA
> ---- Richard Korn <> wrote:
> > Guten tag Healeyphiles,
> >
> > Does anyone know of any Healey 1004s in Berlin?
> >
> > I4m on tour with the symphony the first week of november and have 2 days
> > to roam around the city.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Richard Korn
> > BN2
> > _______________________________________________
> >
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