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To: Robert Blair <rnbmail@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re:Bagging
From: jerry adams <cjerryadams@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 13:50:51 -0700 (PDT)
  Reid probably has that information but the one you should ask is Mike 
Schneider the membership person.  However I counted the members listed in the 
2006 Membership Directory this last weekend.  There are 3820 members listed.  
Beth Lunney the Publisher/Printer will print more than that, for replacement 
copies, samples and exchanges the Club is involved in.
  The $6000 mentioned by Reid and others is an old number and has probably 
increased.  The Club delegates, when they hear that figure probably go into 
sticker shock.  I do the same thing here at work, when I am asked to price the 
cost of a project that I think is not necessary, I state a cost (may or may not 
be excessive) and not break down the numbers it then kind of dies on the vine.  
However when I want a project to go then the cost is broken down to cost per 
unit, the benefit is stressed and I have the money to spend.  The break down 
for 3820 members and $6000 cost is $1.57 per member per year.  A modest 
increase in dues would cover this cost.  Someone mentioned on the list a $5.00 
increase would cover this cost, a $2.00 increase would do.  Someone on the list 
said that he would not pay a $5.00 increase so maybe a $2.00 increase would be 
  Reid does a great job on the magazine.  He has increased the content and 
quality and it's a shame that some of us don't get what we are paying for.  I 
had five issues in 2005, six issues in 2006 and two issues so for this year 
that have had some damage.  One issue in 2005 had the cover half torn off.  I 
have complained to the local post office but they say that they don't have any 
automated equipment and they will 'report' the problem and that the magazine 
should be put in an envelope.
  I am sure Beth delivers the magazines to the nearest post office, the 
magazine says postage paid @ Charlotte, NC and the magazine starts the 
automated sorting process there.  They then go to other sorting/distribution 
centers around the country through more automated equipment until some of us 
get a very beat up magazine. 
  Bottom line, because of the automated sorting equipment in some of the 
distribution centers  that is causing most of the problem, bagging the magazine 
is best option even if cost the members a little more in dues.

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