A few side screen questions:
1) Is there a source for the original style pull knobs that attach to the rear
window? They are about 1/4" thick, 5/8" wide and 1.5" tall. The vertical
are chamfered on the edges and have a shallow concave cut along the centerline
to aid grip.
2) The 2006 concours guidelines state that there are two pull knobs per screen,
one on the inside and one on the outside. The Anderson and Moment book state
that there is always one on the inside and sometimes a second one on the
outside. I'm assuming that the concours guideline is not correct as the
I have only have one pull.
3) Is there a source for the rubber buffer that goes in the hole in the top
front corner of the screen? The one that I have seems a little taller and
smaller in diameter than the one pictured in the Anderson and Moment book (page
98 - lower right). Mine is 5/8" diameter and 1/3" tall. Anyone have an
original one to measure?
4) The letters "EX" are stamped on the lower back corner of the rear screen.
this a partial "PERSPEX"? This isn't mentioned in the concours guidelines or
the Anderson/Moment book. Original?