In a message dated 12/28/06 7:55:02 AM,
> Healey Buffs:
> I have a rare original Shelley Jack that is correct for a June of 1960
> through (exact date unknown) believed to be the end of the BJ7s October
> 1963. The Concours Standards are not clear but Gary Anderson and Roger
> Moment's book seems to say my early phase II BJ8 may require a later
> with a thicker lip that has CA311 on the yoke. My jack has CA259 and might
> even be tougher to find then the later version since they all broke easily
> and were thrown out. Anyway, I would welcome a definitive answer on
> my earlier version meets Concours standards for car # 28309 and would be
> willing to swap straight up for the correct jack CA311 if anyone is caught
> in the opposite predicament.
Jacks and tool kits were received from the vendors, shelved, then tossed
loose into the boot before the car left the factory for the dealer. At the
the tool kit and jack might have been removed and used to replace one that
was missing from a car in stock that was about to be sold, or set aside and
confused with existing stock.
The point of all this is that a jack could be from a later period or an
earlier period than the car's manufacture in a range of reasonably one year.
Therefore, if I were supervising the judging, I would instruct the concours
not to deduct points for the part number of the jack, if it is somewhere in
range of the car's manufacture, give or take a year.
Gary Anderson