My BT& 3000 Mk. I engine has not been in operation since 1986; vehicle
garaged and protected from external elements. I am in process of bringing
"Emma" back to life, statically. The power plant will not rotate
'statically' ( by hand); starting system currently inoperative. I have
tried to rotate the crankshaft manually,and she won't budge. Next step is
to pump in some Marvel Mystery oil in each cylinder to attempt a
breakdown of the blockage chemically (hopefully). The motor is not
'broken', nor full of corrosion, as far as I can tell.
Has anyone truly been successful with a similar situation; please share
with me your story. I am a careful individual, and am not interested in
remedies that would potentially destroy the workings. I will be trying
various techniques in addition to the Marvel Oil, but I am sure someone
out there can provide some wisdom.
Best Regards and Thanks for your Help,