OK Sports Fans, the tally so far today is:
Three new items on the My Library Page
One new item on the Replacement Parts Page (and one correction)
One new PDF file on the Technical Page.
Several new listings on the Links Page.
I am overwhelmed with the response but need your indulgence. I have a
backlog of about 6 more emails to go through and will do that tonight but,
for a while, I will only update the site every other day Sun, Mon, Wed and
Fri at around 10pm Eastern time unless the 49ers or Cal are playing and then
that day will be skipped. I do have priorities.
Please DO keep items coming.
I probably will NOT make broadcast announcements to the List unless there is
something MAJOR. Just assume that if someone sends me "stuff" and they copy
the list, it will appear on the site on the above schedule.
John Sims, BN6
Aberdeen, NJ