This is not a Healey problem but is Healey related and I know that there are
some Listers who are computer competent.
I am no computer expert so when I could not see the pictures on John Sim's web
site (Healey6), I contacted him. We went through several options and he
finally referred me to the "Pictures Are Not Displayed..." article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base. I have done everything recommended within my
capabilities. Right clicking the red X > Show Picture does not work.
'Properties' shows that his pictures are .jpg as are the pictures on other
Healey web sites: AHCUSA, AHCUK, acmefluid (Varney), (BC), and AH
Sports and Touring. I can see the pictures on those sites but not on John's.
Some of the MS recommended conditions were: "Links" is checked on the Toolbar,
"Show Pictures" is checked in Internet Options > Multimedia. I do not have
Toggle Images.exe installed, Security tab is set at Default Level, Auto-Select
is checked in the View > Encoding menu, English is the chosen language.
It shouldn't be my security settings (Zone Alarm Security Suite) if I have no
problems with other web sites. Turning the Firewall off makes no difference.
Other Listers evidently get the pictures. Is it me, my computer, or John's?
What am I missing?
(The Other) Len
Vacaville, CA
1967 3000 MKIII HBJ8L39031