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Re: Whats On out West

To: D HALL <dthall@btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: Whats On out West
From: David Nock <healeydoc@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 13:27:28 -0700
What part of California are you going to be at.
We are having one of the largest British car meets in the US on  
September 10 in Palo ALto, Then there is the Ironstone concouse in  
Murphys  on September 23              http://www.ironstoneconcours.org
This is one of the best you will ever go to at a fabulos location

David Nock
British Car Specialists
Stockton Ca 95205


On Aug 24, 2006, at 12:44 PM, D HALL wrote:

> Hi, everybody
>   Thanks for the response about shows, meets and invitations to  
> gatherings during our trip to CA. AZ and NV during September.If  
> there are any more meets please don't hesitate to mail.
>   PS I used to work for Lucas for thirty years so you can get your  
> own back ! Regards
> David Hall

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