Thanks everyone for the troubleshooting tips. As I started to dive in to
troubleshooting I recalled a couple of other things that were occurring just
before the problem that I didn't relate at the time:
1) For the last few weeks I have had an intermittent fuel gauge. I have
attributed it to a gauge problem (as opposed to the sender) due to the fact
that a few taps on the gauge would (usually) cause it go from an empty
indication to a correct reading.
2) Some time before I noticed the blown fuse, I thought I smelled a faint
whiff of electrical burning. More like a burnt resistor than insulation. It
was very brief and there appeared to be no problems so I dismissed it.
Upon further reflection, I thought that number 2 might be related to number
1. Working on this theory, I removed the gauge and - presto! No more blowing
I am going to pursue testing the gauge but if anyone has any thoughts please
pass them along.
'55 BN1