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Re: loose spring eyes

To: ZManDino@aol.com
Subject: Re: loose spring eyes
From: Dave & M <rusd@velocitus.net>
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 22:51:46 -0700
Hi Alex,

I basically did the same thing. Removed the clips, spread the leaves, &
inserted 1/16" aluminum wedges, about three inches long, top & bottom.
Clamped the leaf ends together & re-installed the clips. The worst part
was how long it took to find the rattle caused by the loose parts.

Others have mentioned how good the recent Moss springs have been, but
none said anything about rattling spring eyes. I can't see how the extra
loops actually do anything, but in the interest of originality, left
them on.

Dave Russell

ZManDino@aol.com wrote:
 > Dave, I had the same problem when I replaced the rear springs on my
 > BN7. I tried slipping wedges between the leafs without success. When
 > I had the car up on a friends lift, he suggested slipping a small
 > piece of thin lead that comes in sheets, (perhaps 1/8" thick) between
 >  the leafs. I don't know where he got the lead from, but it worked!
 > We placed a large C clamp around the leafs to lock them in place,
 > then removed the bolt from the clip ends that was rattling. By
 > releasing a little of the pressure from the C clamp we could then
 > slip the thin sheet of soft lead between the leafs. After
 > retightening the clamp we could replace the bolt in the clip. The
 > clip was now tight and the rattle gone. Perhaps this can work for
 > you.
 > Alex BN7 MK1

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