Thx for the pics - you did the right thing - we are
Don't be annoyed by the self appointed experts.
This a Healey list - not a X movie, and it is
interested in all things Healey ...... incl pics.
As Patton said - delete buttons have a use.
--- "Eckert, Josef" <> wrote:
> It seems I have offended at least one of the listers
> of this forum with my given link to pictures of the
> International Healey Weekend at Gaydon. I am very
> sorry for that. I have no relation whatsoever to the
> photographer. I thought the pictutres might be of
> interest to some of the listers. Next time I will be
> more careful and not disturbing the silence of this
> forum with my silly posting.
> Here the comments of this member:
> what's with the."jpg" over all the pictures? Are you
> are afraid someone's
> going to copy them and use them without your
> permission?
> My answer:
> Hi ....,
> The pictures were done by a professional
> photographer, not me, and he wants to sell them to
> the owners of the cars.
> Josef
> His reply:
> Josef--Please pass on the following thoughts:
> 1. the Healey List is not for the benefit of
> photographers selling
> pictures.
> 2. There was no such indication in your
> e-mail. Normally such
> pictures would be available free to whomever was a
> list member. I would
> have taken one of those pictures and maybe used it
> for the club newsletter.
> Now you can forget about it. I won't pay anything
> for a picture unless
> it's a picture of my car and I like it.
> 3. In all candor, the pictures really aren't
> that good.
> 4. I have seen phtoographers work events.
> They offer their pictures
> at the time. Not later over the list.
Robert - Yellow 65BJ8
Cell: 408-221-5244
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