I thought this email response might be of interest to some on the list.
Dear Mr Fine
Thank you for your email regarding the exhaust muffler for your BN7. It is
considered that mild steel is generally more quieter that the stainless
steel ones, because the material has the ability to absorb the sound whereas
stainless steel resonates.
However, we are finding the opposite with our current batch of mufflers and
the mild steel ones seem to be over noisy. We are currently changing to a
new manufacturer for the mild steel systems.
Infact the same manufacturer of the stainless steel systems, a company
called Bell. So we do expect the new mild steel mufflers to be the very
best available on the market for both quality and sound. These should be
available in 3 to 4 weeks time.
Best Regards
Keith Bates
Visit our website at www.ahspares.co.uk for secure on line ordering.