I am always keen to learn more. Could you please send me a copy of the
attachment that was removed by 'autox'. Better still, would be a copy on
a WEB site so that all can see it.
All the best
>Here is a picture close up of the casting date on the first production car,
>Body 24, car number 138031. It reads 22.7.52.
>This is on the lower right side and would be hidden when the starter motor
>is bolted up. I'm not sure if this practice continued into later production
>because in checking the engine block of a July '54 production BN1, the
>number reads 25.6.Z which may or may not be some sort of date code. Note the
>screw heads at either end of the date tag so it can easily be changed on the
>pattern. These screw heads are also evident on either end of the 25.6.Z.
>Hope this helps.
>Rich Chrysler
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>To: "Healey List" <>
>Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 1:06 AM
>Subject: Engine code
>> Can anyone tell me about the Engine Date Code that I was told should be
>> located on the cast block of an A90 (100-4)? Location? Possible number
>> sequences????
>> Joel
>> BN2
>[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name
>of 5C5.jpg]
John Harper