Some additional questions about a '62 tri-carb. I never take enough pictures,
but I doubt pictures of the prior Chevy 327 installation would help me now.
1) Which bolt does the engine ground strap attach to? The lower starter bolt
or the one in front of the slave cylinder? Assume it goes on the engine side?
2) Could someone point me to some pictures of the overdrive throttle switch?
Not sure which way the lever goes on or if I have the correct (bent wire) link
(p/n AHB9053 ?).
3) I have two different brass water pipes that attach to the manifolds. One is
the one that's fitted to the 3000 MkI engines. It is held in place by two
(loose) steel clips, similar to those used to hold the wiring harness. It
interferes with the balance tube hoses. The other pipe has two steel straps
brazed/soldered to it; the front strap isn't in the same location as the front
clip on the other pipe. The straps aren't vertical, but bent at a 45 degree
angle. Is this one if for the earlier six cylinder with the integral
Again, could someone point me to a picture of the pipe for the tri-carb (p/n
4) Is there a source of the tri-carb overflow tubes? If not, any pictures
around of the original tubes so I can try to replicate them (at least the
functionality)? The concours guidelines describes them as an assembly of a
clear tube with a spring in it attached to the carb and the rest being a black
tube. I assume the spring keeps the tube from collapsing.