I received some good info on this car from several of you just after
acquisition but before I had an opportunity to examine it, I finally got a
good look at it yesterday. My main concern is the locking steering mechanism,
the lock is a Ford item marked FOMOCO 11543577 and has a connector about 10cm
from the lock. There are 4 wires from the harness going into a connector with
5 wires going to the actual lock and no commonality of colors. I do have
pictures to send. The lock was attached to the harness but not installed abd
is marked in German.
This particula car was shipped to Dusseldorf in August 1962 with a steering
lock number 5432X-A and an FS88X key number (the x above is actually a digit
but this could be seen in Nigeria). The car arrived in Oklahoma in 1968
probably with the lock changed. Clausenger mentions 2 locks being used for
this application and Bill Moyer mentioned Renault, and somewhere else I recall
Volkswagen being mentioned.
Thanks for staying with me this far. the big question is where do I look for a
lock since we have already purchased the wiring harness to accomodate one,
Mal Bruce