I hope to make Conclave , but I will only be able to attend late Monday and
for the day Tuesday. I have to register and find a hotel room. I am going
thru my collection of Healey, Austin Healey, Jensen Healey, Sprite, and Nash
Healey items of literature, ads, owners handbooks, parts manuals, models,
toys, and road sets. I thought I would try to get some organization to my
collection and try to clean out some things after over 30 years of
accumulation, but before I begin to post the stuff on Ebay I thought I
might try Conclave first. Please contact me off the list as to what you are
looking for? I may have it?
I know I have nice originals
1 - M tuning booklets
2 - S foldout - original
3 - S foldout - repos
4 - Laycock overdrive 3000 folder - repo
5 - Nash Healey balsa kits
6 - parts books for various models
Check Bob Haskell's literature listing for the factory publications for your
Also available - An Interesting VIP electric roadway - Set A - cars never
raced with original packing and all the instructions - this is very heavy,
with a - Austin Healey 100-SIX - primrose yellow (YL.3) and a MGA - green.
the set inludes the lap counter in the box and all roadway fencing. I hope
to see you there.