After someone on this list opined that
"Didn't realize the thermostats being sold by Moss and some others weren't
the correct ones (with a sleeve to cut off the radiator bypass). This may be
cause of some of those complaints about overheating.
I emailed Kelvin Dodds, who put me in touch with Michael Grant, product
manager at Moss. Michael responded in a lot more detail than I'll put up on
list, but the basic message was:
We do list a variety of modern (non-sleeved) thermostats for those people
that use them, but we have listed the wax capsule sleeved thermostat at least
far back as 1999.
In our latest catalogs both of the thermostats are listed and described;
please see AHY-0602, page 20 & 21. I note that on the web we also cover these
He also sent along a pdf that explains the difference between the two diffe
rent sleeved thermostats that Moss carries.
Finally, he offered a reference to MGA Guru, a good solid source of technical
info on lots of common BMC stuff.
So, bottom line, you can get several different kinds of thermostats from
Moss, and it may be worth while checking them out.
Gary Anderson
editor, Austin-Healey Magazine