As many of you may sympathise, I am getting minimal input as to the
decorating of the new house, but I must report a victory of note to
the Healey community.
After the battle of "No Car Parts in the Living Room" (out come still
uncertain) the skirmish of the picture over the fireplace was
underway. Thanks to some maneuvering by yours truly, the limited
edition Nockolds "Dawn - Bonneville Salt Flats - U.S.A. - 1956" is
going to the framers to fill that spot. I wish I had spent the money
and gotten the copy signed by DMH, Moss, Shelby and I can't remember
who all else when I had the chance.
Now to find a home for the car series with the DMH signature.
(I think I'm getting a couple of Fangio B/W prints in the Den as well)
Patton Dickson -