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Re: Blast Cabinet

To: Ned Smith <smithn00@kitepilot.net>
Subject: Re: Blast Cabinet
From: dicksonr@uwm.edu
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 12:04:51 -0500
I bought one years ago and it works great.  That is , provided you have a large
enough compressor.  I have a 6hp and a 5hp compressor ganged together with and
one has a 60 gallon tank.  I have used silica sand and baking soda.  Both work
great depending upon what kind of metal you are blasting.  I would like to try
walnut shells next.  The only problem is that the glass gets frosted and needs
replacing after a lot of blasting.  Also, you have to hook up a shop vac to the
backside so that you can see in the cabinet because there is a huge dust cloud
when you are blasting.

Randy Dickson
63' BJ7
02 Mini Cooper
66' Cobra replica

Quoting Ned Smith <smithn00@kitepilot.net>:

> Is anybody on the list using a bench top abrasive blast cabinet from Harbor
> Freight costing $90 and $100?
> Ned Smith
> BJ8
> near Chattanooga, TN

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