FWIW, I received my May copy of Healey Marque today
in as "hot off the presses" condition. North Carolina to Calif.
No rips, tares, torns, smudges, holes, or anything else that would
detract from pristene condition.
As far as your numbers go, you are way off.............
As of 2005, AHCA membership was approximately 4,946.
11 issues/year X 4,946 = 54,406 copies +/-.(comp's)
"$6,000.00" to polybag 54,406 copies = $0.1102 per copy.
(if it were $0.50 as you state, that's a BIG number, $27,203.00)
Just thought you ought to know.
Hey Reid, HM getting betta and betta since issue #1.;-))
(36pp, higher rez pix, etc. etc., hope you never hit the wall)
Hey Beth Lunney, you must have invested several thousands
of dollars in your presses, thank's.
Hey All Others, and WE/you know who/whom you are, thank's for
your contributions to this fine rag.
All the above for $35.00 yr / $3.18 copy GO FIGURE BOYS&GIRLS
(that's $0.0883 page for the "A" types out thare)
> My issue is with a simple 50 cent wrapper in 2006.
> It will happen - wait and se.
> Robert.