The new flexible lines for the front disc brakes from Moss (PN 021-162) are
shorter than the ones I took off. The old ones were 12 1/4" from
bracket-to-bracket (includes the wrench flats). The new lines are made by
Delphi/Lockheed (PN LH1658). Anyone had any problems with the shorter lines?
Anyone selling the longer line?
I'd like to get the dimensions for the rubber sleeve (BMC PN ADA467) that fits
over the bonnet catch tension spring. What's left of mine seems to be about
19/32" inside diameter, about 0.07" wall thickness, and 3 1/4" long. The one
the Nocks sell is just too thin (0.03") for my liking.
To add a couple comments about the magazines - The Austin-Healey Magazine is
usually received in good shape. The Healey Marque has been dog-eared or
otherwise mangled more often than not. The wife's catalogs (seems to be three
or four a day) are fine. So I don't think it's the local post office. I'd be
willing to pay an extra $1.50 a year to get the magazine in a polybag
($6,000/4,000 members).
I like the technical articles, but don't care to read them twice - once in
Healey Marque and again in the Austin-Healey Magazine. But I realize that not
everyone is a member of both clubs, so the authors are trying to get to as many
folks as they can.
'62 BT7