I did that to my BJ8. The cigar lighter mounting was made of plastic and it
had 2 connector wires coming out the back so you can wire it up to which
ever you have . Negative or positive ground.
>>>I am thinking of fitting a cigar lighter to my BJ8 so I can charge my
>>>phone, and run a TomTom SatNav off it as well.
>>>My BJ8 has the original wiring set up.
>>>My question is:
>>>for devices that run off a cigar lighter like phone chargers and power
>>>converters for things like SatNav, does it matter whether the car is
>>>positive or
>>>negative earth?
>>>Thanks in advance for all the help I know i will get.
>>>BJ8 1967
>>>Frogeye 1959
>>>Tim Ward
>>>Warwick House
>>>12 Mill Road
>>>Northants. NN7 4BB
>>>Tel: 07855 388 751
>>>_www.SixSigmaWorks.co.uk_ (http://www.sixsigmaworks.co.uk/)
>> Polarity does matter, unless the connected device has reversing diodes
>> fitted - which I think is unlikely. If you fitted a cigar lighter with
>> reversed wiring, on an insulated panel, you'd have to be aware that the
>> (visible, touchable) outer sleeve was at battery potential above chassis
>> earth.
>> Personally, I would fit my own two-pin, fused, connector under the dash
>> somewhere. Cigar lighters are a bit of a mechanical abomination anyway.
>> I think I have heard that there is a newer accessory connector being
>> introduced for vehicles, to allow for phones, laptops, satnavs etc., but
>> don't know any more than that. Can anyone else shed more light?