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RE: acrylic or emamel paint

To: "Healeys Mail List" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: acrylic or emamel paint
From: "Len and/or Marge" <thehartnetts@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:15:35 -0700
John:  Checked with someone who is in the auto paint business.  His
recommendation:  in an inconspicuous location, rub a small spot with
lacquer thinner.  If it is acrylic (lacquer ?), it will disolve the paint. 
If enamel, it won't affect it immediately but if you do it long enough, it
will degrade it.

(The Other) Len
Vacaville, CA
1967 3000 MKIII HBJ8L39031

> [Original Message]
> From: John Rowe <jarowe@westnet.com.au>
> To: Healey List <healeys@autox.team.net>
> Date: 4/19/2006 4:59:51 AM
> Subject: acrylic or emamel paint
> Hi guys
> I am trying to find out whether the paint on a car is acrylic or enamel
so we
> can do a touch up.
> Is there any quick way to determine what type of paint is there?
> TIA and cheers from west oz
> John

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