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fuel gauge sending unit - BN2

To: <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: fuel gauge sending unit - BN2
From: "Brashear, Jack, N" <JNBrashear@garverengineers.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:56:53 -0500
Hi All, my neighbor has had two faulty new sending units in a row from
M+++ through a local supplier.  His BN2 has the proper gauge and it
checks out to be good using the information and procedures that have
been posted on this list in the past.  His wiring is new and checks out
to be properly installed.  He added an extra ground wire from the unit
to the chassis.  The problem apparently lies with the Asian sending unit
itself.  That is, the gauge shows 1/4 full when the tank is known to be
3/4 full, for example.  Other gauges known to work well in other Healeys
have been substituted with the same results as his gauge.  Does anyone
know of a source for "Good" sending units??  It seems returning it to
his supplier means only that another crummy unit will be sent as a
replacement.  Help from this awesome list would be greatly appreciated.

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