The Smiths Gauge 'classic' is based on lettering style and the "half V"
bezel of a 1960's gauge. It is available through APT, as are matching oil
temp and water temp guages with electric pickups. You can check their range
It must be noted, though, that while the line is traditionally Smiths, it is
from the 60's. You will notice a difference. I worked around it by mounting
four gauges on an old stock 4-hole gauge pod with an adaptor plate to fit in
the concave area of the dash (30A ammeter old stock from a Sunbeam Tiger,
Water temp quadrant face with electric pickup, oil temp gquadrant face with
electric pickup and an old stock volt meter out of a TR4).
You can mitigate the 60's look by buying the full-V bezel like 100's from
Holden or from APT. APt will also, if you send the specs, silk screen a
custom guage.
I decided to keep the half-V bezels and guages with wide 'modern' lettering
on the thinking that in the late 50's volt meters and ammeters were not
commonplace. I figured that what I put in reads like a 1960's retrofit.