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Missouri historic registration

To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Missouri historic registration
From: Andrew Holkan <aholkan@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:14:41 -0600
Any owners out there from Missouri?

I've been here in Missouri about a year, and fairly unfamiliar with  
all of the states rules.  I've also heard some really bad stories  
about getting historic plates here (requiring several tries, taking  
several months), and I'm jumping through all the hoops trying to get  
registered as a Historic vehicle.  On the form, there is a place for  
'historic license number,' but since I'm not registered yet, I  
obviously don't have a number yet.  I'm clueless as to what I should  
put there, and don't want the form sent back as 'incomplete' 3 months  
from now!

Any suggestions welcome... otherwise I'll just mail it off and cross  
my fingers...
'65 BJ8

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