On my BJ8 phase 2 there is a 'fold out' rear seat back which, when
folded out, is held down by two sliding latches. These slide into two
openings which are metal sheet pieces with a rectangular hole in the
center and two holes in the extreme ends for two fixing screws - I
thought. I just picked up mine to clean and paint and noticed that mine
have two nuts welded on - and they are located at the side facing the
car interior if they would be mounted there.
Can't find any detailed pictures in workshop handbooks , but the only
solution I can think of is that the opening consists of two pieces, one
chrome plated in the car interior and one painted at the other side of
the quarter panel, and that I am missing the parts which should be in
the interior. Please help!
Jack Aeckerlin, The Netherlands
1964 BJ8 29432