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Re: Donald Healey at Bonneville... not much but some history...

To: "Freese, Ken" <Kendall.Freese@Aerojet.com>, <healeys@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Re: Donald Healey at Bonneville... not much but some history...
From: "Keith Turk" <kturk@ala.net>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:56:44 -0600
Yes a good freind of mine took his Bugeye race car to Lake Gairdner back in 
2002... he ran something like 220mph with it.... keep in mind it looks like 
my race car with a bugeye body on the back....

Actually ....Doug Odom and Gail Phillips drove the car and both got into the 
200mph club down there....


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