Umm, I second that E-motion, as a young, Black singer once said. Although I
hear he is still around, he has been Restored by professionals to the point
that he is almost unrecognizable as one of the Jackson five ;>)
Now back to Healeys-Dave Porter is a professional that loves healeys
and works on yours like it was his. Speaking from experience, here-I go to
pick up the Healeymonster after some major frame work, and Dave says things
like-I had some extra time, so I removed and replaced your steering wheel in
the proper orientation, and fixed the window regulator problem that didn't
allow the window to completely roll down, and, Etc. Etc------
So, if you are looking for a caring professional who knows his stuff,
just drop by Dave's place in Albuquerque.
Ed Townley, Southern NM, USA
Same 64 BJ8 (healeymonster) for 32 yrs
59 AN5 (hornytoad)
55 FX3 Taxi(Nigel)
59 AN5 RHD project who hasn't revealed his name yet
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 08:19:36 -0700
From: "David Porter" <>
Subject: RE: Amateur vs. Professional Restoration
Ah, excuse me Mark, but some of us "professionals" (I gotta live too) love
to work on them.. Dave
I would rather have a car worked on by someone that loved it rather someone
that only worked on it because thay got paid to do it.
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