I couldn't have said better! Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season
to all of you!
David C
----- Original Message -----
From: i erbs
To: Ray Juncal ; Healeys
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: "THE LIST"
well said!
cheers to all
from Portland, OR
I ERbs
59 BT7
Ray Juncal wrote:
> I have been a member of this list for a long time now. I look
forward to
> reading it almost every evening after dinner. Where else could you
find such
> an amazing collection of characters. I love you all, the
curmudgeons, the
> know it alls, the real know it alls, the experts, the pros, the
> sensitive & insensitive of both liberal and conservative persuasion,
> redundant, the historians, the lifers and the newbies. Where else
would the
> guy who carves song birds and the guy who goes 200 mph in a
streamliner, in
> their spare time find common ground. To my list friends on all the
> and islands of the world I want to wish Happy Holidays and may the
deity of
> your choice smile upon you in the coming year. Also may your Healey
run like
> a jack rabbit and experience a minimum of problems and fluid loss.
> God bless Tiny Tim and Major Domo
> Ray Juncal
> Toot toot!